Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tips on how to get rid of body acne

« ...There are different kinds of acne scarring: ice pick scarring, atrophic scarring, and hypertrophic scarring. Ice pick scars are deep pitted scars with steep edges. Atrophic scars are pitted but have smooth borders and are not as deep. Hypertrophic scar, more common on the back and chest, are thick lumpy scars that sit above the surface of the skin....
...There are many topical products that you can choose for your acne scar problem. Many of these products contain a low dose of Benzoyl Peroxide. Benzoyl Peroxide penetrates below the surface of your skin to dry up the oil that causes acne breakouts and thus preventing acne scars from happening. However, since Benzoyl Peroxide has such drying characteristics, it is best if you apply it sparingly. If you notice your skin is peeling in areas where you applied a cream containing Benzoil Peroxide, you should reduce the use of that cream. It also has been known to cause an allergic reaction to some people....»
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«...The most typical kinds of lasers that are utilized for laser resurfacing are what are called erbium lasers and ultra pulsed carbon dioxide lasers. This kind of laser treatment for acne scars causes exposure of skin that is unprotected so using the appropriate skin wound care must be utilized and you need to be checking frequently for the possibility of infections. The skin may actually remain red for roughly one year even though the redness will have a tendency to fade after several months after an individual has had laser treatment for acne scars....»
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tags: kiss my face acne, does ziana work with acne, home remedy for blemishes and acne

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