Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lotrisone cream for acne

« ...The basic cause of acne is still unknown. It seems to be a multifactorial disease in which interaction of several factors play an important part in the pathogenesis. The primary event may be (a) obstruction of the sebaceous duct due to alteration in the pattern of keratinization within the follicle, (b) abnormal sebum production with excess quantities or altered composition or (c) increased bacterial colonization (proprionibacterium acnes and staphylococcus epidermi¬dis of pilosebaceous follicles which furnish the lipases responsible for hydrolysis of sebum triglycerides into free fatty acids. All three mechanisms may be involved. Obstruction of duct leads to forma¬tion of a comedone, the initial lesion of acne. A comedone can be located either in a closed follicle as a 'white head' consisting of lipid and keratin, or in an open follicle as 'black head' consisting of keratin and lipid with melanin deposition. The continual accumula¬tion of keratin and lipid may lead to rupture of the follicular wall and release of its contents into the surrounding dermis provoking an inflammatory tissue reaction....
...Don't touch your pimples! I am sure you have all heard this one before but here is why you shouldn't. As mentioned in previous posts, acne on the skin is based bacteria and infection. Touching affected areas spreads bacteria and infection to the surrounding areas. Additionally, our hands come into contact with hundreds of different objects every day. Door handles, keyboards, tables, cars, floors, plants, etc. All of which hundreds of other people have touched and which have probably not been cleaned for many months (if ever). Bacteria and/or dirt cover the majority of these objects and until you wash your hands, you will spread both over anything you touch. So why touch an area that is bad enough to have acne and make it worse?...»
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«...Acne is such a common problem amongst people all over the world. It does not matter whether you are young or old, a man or a woman. Acne can strike anyone at any given time. Ironically, it is actually quite a fortune that acne is a problem commonly experienced by so many people. It is because of this fact that there have been so many studies that have been conducted on acne skin care and treatments. But with the many available options in the market right now, choosing the best acne treatment can be difficult. Fortunately, there are tips that can help you pick top acne products that will get rid of acne....»
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tags: how to keep skin clear of acne, types of acne breakouts, acidophilis enzyme peel for acne scars

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