Monday, August 4, 2008

Glow moisturizer product cause acne and acne redness

To get rid of acne and achieve clear skin, you need to look at the root of the problem and try to treat the acne accordingly. In most cases, there are 3 main acne-causing culprits that you have to deal with. Once you have these 3 factors under control, you will find a significant improvement in your skin condition as well as keeping new acne from forming. Here, we will look at what are these 3 factors and how to deal with them.
Cystic acne is further worsened by Retention keratosis, under, this condition, skin cells of cystic acne are shed improperly. This further leads to clogging of the skin follicles and the dead cells in conjunction with the over production of sebum. This environment is perfect for growth of bacterial infections. The infection has potential of spreading to other follicles that can further aggravate the inflammation, swelling and redness.
These scars typically appear like pit scars "ice pick" or craterlike scar. Proper treatment is required to remove the acne scars or minimizing it to its best. There are several methods that can help any acne sufferer to minimize the acne scars to some extend and they are chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, collagen injections, punch grafts, and autologous transfer of fat.
tags: which acne treatment is the best, neutrogena acne face soap, cystic acne on the thigh

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