Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne best skin treatment and acne mark fading peel

Acne can turn serious if it is not taken care of in time. Severe acne can turn into painful and pus filled pimples. These in turn burst and leave permanent scars on skin, making skin look unattractive. If suffering from severe acne, it is better not to take any hasty decisions about it and consulting a dermatologist immediately. Dermatologist can guide you regarding the skin regimen that you should undertake, at the same time you should also take care that you follow this routing. If the condition requires special care, dermatologist can also suggest some medication so that the acne gets cleared off better.
While many teenagers want to look all grown up and blemish free like their parents, using makeup can greatly worsen teenage acne. Cosmetics contain a wide variety of chemicals that can irritate the skin, clog the pores, and create a hospitable environment for a takeover by infectious organisms. Always be very judicious in your selection of facial cosmetics during the teenage years or you may find yourself with severe teenage acne breakouts.
I highly recommend a very popular acne ebook called, "Acne Free In 3 Days". It provides a very detailed guide with many success stories to back up it's effectiveness. There have been many good reviews about it on the net. The author has even got some recent media attention on TV. In fact, his work was recently touted on Oprah and CNN news! Give it a shot! You have nothing to lose but your pimples!
tags: acne & sandalwood oil, best treatment for cystic acne, meaning dreaming about someone's hanving acne

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