Monday, August 4, 2008

Chest acne treatment and tratamiento natural para el acne

There are a number of natural curatives for acne that rely on the use of food as ingredients as well as ingredients found nature.
Which ever acne dermatology treatment your doctor prescribes it is important that you trust his advice and follow through the treatment without any interruptions for better results. It is even more important to always do your research even if it requires getting a second or third opinion. After all it is you that has to live with the results.
These in moderate cases of acne involves a combination of therapies like physical kind of treatment that uses light therapy or acne extraction, sometimes a prescription of retinoid or anti microbial cream will do the job as long as is it applied on the affected skin part continuously.
tags: acne and spots for black women, subcision surgery to help acne scars, how to get rid of acne on face,chest, and back in 4 weeks

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